The comic book created on the occasion of the 11th edition of Le Strade del Paesaggio, tells about a tour to discover the Mysteries of Calabria, bringing together the world of our beloved comic book characters and the legends and stories of Calabria. Once again, we start from the Comics Museum and some identifying places of Cosenza, passing through four villages: Civita, Morano, Bova and Gerace, which in 2016 obtained the Touring Club “orange flag”recognition. The main characters of the story are a couple of young tourists, whose names and past stories are unknown. Struck by the comic book Un amore mostruoso a Cosenza (A monstruous love in Cosenza) featuring Dylan Dog, they decide to visit the town. They start their tour of the Mysteries of Calabria from the nearbyes of “Bernardino Telesio” high school gymnasium and the Comics Museum. They will retrace the places mentioned in the above-mentioned comic book, here held by the man who enthusiastically runs toward the woman who is taking his picture.

Artworks by Daniele Bigliardo, Raffaele della Monica, Bruno Cannucciari, Bruno Brindisi, HR JOE
Critical texts of Federica Cananzi

Artwork 2 - Daniele Bigliardo

At the newsagent's, the young lady buys the Touring Club magazine about the four Calabrian villages - Civita, Morano, Bova and Gerace – which obtained the famous “orange flag” recognition . In the background there is the man with whom she will have this extraordinary tour of the Mysteries of Calabria.

Artwork 7 - Daniele Bigliardo

The name of Gerace comes from Greek Ierax, meaning sparrowhawk. Legend has it, the inhabitants of Locri, fleeing from the Saracen raids in 915, were led by a sparrowhawk towards the mountains overlooking the area to the place where they founded the town of Gerace. This village is situated on the eastern side of the Aspromonte National Park, where it still keeps its Medieval structure, with small lanes, perched houses and churches of different styles and periods, as proof of the power the village had during the Middle Age.

Artwork 13 - Raffaele della Monica

By the Busento river, Zagor rides a galloping hunky horse. The setting very clearly shows the near riverbanks. In the background there is the bridge that links the old town to the modern one and Pancrazio hill, on which the Swabian Castle rises. In the foregroud, a gun is redy to shoot the defender of the Indian tribes.

The exhibit continues...

In exposition at the Comics Museum till 31 December 2016

You can find us in Cosenza, in Street Liceo 1.
We are open every day, except Mondays, from 16.00 to 19.30